Life Style Dream Blog

von anfang an dabei sein, wie 2009 bei Bitcoin

Von Anfang an dabei sein…

Seit der Bitcoin so einen Höhenflug hatte und hat, habe ich mehr als einmal gedacht, was wäre, wenn ich damals so um 2011 herum soviele Bitcoins gekauft hätte, wie möglich? Damals hat er um...

A Totally Free Business Idea

She Tried Making $800 in 4 Hours with Google Maps (To See If It Works) You might also want to check out her description. While she didn’t win her challenge, you can make a...

Let’s Talk I-Quadrant

My favorite quadrant is the i-quadrant, the investing quadrant. Because I’m unemployable and I don’t have a large network. Is it risky, dangerous, scary? Yes, all of the above. But isn’t going into the...

Which Side is the Right Side?

Of course, you might say: Hey! Is this a trick question? Alright, take a moment to review the chart, which represents Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Quadrant. Now, let me pose a question: which side...