Don’t Believe The Network Marketing Lies
I just wanted to share some thoughts on network marketing. I’ve been building my own network marketing business for the last three months, and I’ve noticed that the lies about what it takes to...
I just wanted to share some thoughts on network marketing. I’ve been building my own network marketing business for the last three months, and I’ve noticed that the lies about what it takes to...
Should You Have a Website or a Funnel for Your Business? The debate about whether a website or a funnel is necessary for a business is ongoing. On one hand, a website requires maintenance...
Yesterday I played the cashflow game with my friend Roland. This time I tried a different strategy. I was afraid. I didn’t dare to buy real estate (dangerous, what if your tenant is messy...
Recently I have noticed that I got emails from different people who promoted the exact same product. Some even sent me messages through my website’s contact form. It’s like an avalanche! I thought: Aha,...
A good way to look at it is if inflation is 3% and you’re getting 0.5% in a savings account, you’re losing 2.5% of your cash every year! Time to invest! Time to invest...