6 Ideas for Passive Income
There are probably hundreds if not thousands of ideas to build passive income. Here are a few (the numbers are not relevant)
Write a book.
Network Marketing
- They have the products, handle the payments, and often offer sales training
- Build a customer base with a monthly auto-ship
Ecommerce / Dropshipping
- Get a Shopify Store and load it with items.
- Maybe you can find items that are related to your business but it’s not necessary
Print on Demand
- Create some designs and put them up on Redbubble and other platforms. People buy it and you get paid
Real Estate
- Buy a house and rent it out
- Rent an apartment and rent it out (AirBnB style)
Done For You Business
- Personally, I think this is the easiest to get started because you don’t have to become creative, you don’t have to learn about how to market your book or products, no hassle with tenants.
- You don’t have overhead, you don’t have to worry about the payment process or deal with merchants, you don’t have to create and deliver products
- Set your business up within a couple of hours
- Though you do have to learn about how to market but you will learn all about it. Click on the banner below